The restaurant rumor mill is churning with talk that a well-known restaurateur will move into the old post office. That massive property is empty, since Post 154 closed abruptly last week.
Meanwhile, directly across the street, a much smaller restaurant has opened. Very quickly, it’s creating quite a buzz.
Jeera Little Thai Kitchen is located next to the equally small (but also fine) Finalmente Trattoria.
I checked it out the other day. I dithered between 2 dishes. Usually when I ask for help, the server says, “Oh, they’re both good!”
This time, the owner responded. Jeeranunn Atiportunyapong — you can call her “Luna” — very confidently told me which one to order.*
It was great. And — as I requested — appropriately spicy.
I’m already a huge fan of Rainbow Thai, in Bridge Square. I’ve added Jeera to my list of favorites.
Interestingly, Westport’s 2 Thai restaurants could fit comfortably in one corner of Post 154. There’s a lesson somewhere in that.
*It was kaprow.